Esteemed Human Development
International, Inc.
Sustainable Consulting, Training, and Coaching for People and Organizations!
Professional & Personal Life Coaching
A life coach encourages and counsels on a range of professional and personal
issues. The coaching process takes on specific professional concerns, personal
goals and analyzes the life cycle of the client. The coach identifies existing and
potential challenges and obstacles and devises a plan of action designed to
achieve specific outcomes.
The coach partners with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that
inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.
Identify, interrupt and create a vision for what the client wants
Use strategic intervention techniques to fine tune goal setting
Promotes client’s self-discovery
Nurture and evoke strategies and a plan of action based on what fits best with the client’s goals, personality and vision
Champions client accountability to increase productivity
Research shows that coaching and training is a far more potent combination than training alone. In fact, training alone can increase productivity by 22.4%, but when combined with weekly life coaching, productivity is boosted by 88%. ND
Life Coaching will Help You to….
Improve Your Mindset – Optimize the set of beliefs that you have about yourself and your potential.
Find Your Purpose – Get clear and focused on the goals and objectives that will enable you to breakthrough to the next level.
Maximize Your Health – Achieve your health & fitness goals – maximize your health and become more of what you want out of life. You will gain more energy, more vitality and more accountability from a coach that partners with you.
Increase Passion Trust and Love in your relationships – remove the deep-rooted emotional roadblocks that are keeping you stuck in a pattern of physical and emotional disharmony.
Enhance Your Leadership Skills – Influence others to create change. Great leaders aren’t just born, they can always be cultivated. Incorporate the six essential qualities of a leader: confidence, focus, honesty, positivity, decisiveness.
Advance Your Career – Gain confidence in times of uncertainty and step out of your comfort zone to drive sales & profits.
Increase Your Productivity – Develop an action map of real, attainable steps to move you closer to having more time with those that matter the most.
Gain Confidence – Increase your self-esteem and gain confidence so you can achieve your goals.
Grow Your Wealth – Action steps to move you closer to creating abundance in your life.
The life coaching process includes:
Qualify goals and defining success
Create professional and personal action plans
Reframe limiting perceptions
Create an abundance in your life, while growing your wealth
Calibrate your compass and find balance
Remove bias perceptions that are blocking effective communication in your work environment
Achieve weight loss and/or fitness goals
Fine tune your entrepreneurial acumen
Manage an important life or business transition
What is Life Coaching?
Staff Coaching
Coaching is defined as “The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another.”
Do you want your staff to be more effective?
Are your staff not quite making it with their paper regime?
Would you like to help your staff make changes?
Do you think that you just can’t seem to communicate effectively — with anyone?
Is your staff adrift in life without any purpose or direction?
Or does it seem that they are so driven in all areas of their life, that they have no satisfaction in any area?
Help employees take back their life TODAY and live their dreams! Through coaching you will have the opportunity to identify, clarify and prioritize not only their life goals, but their life’s purpose as it relates to their job and performance.
Identify what it is that stops staff each time and how to move through these conditions
Learn what their peak performance is and how to return to that state instantly
Remember the dreams of your staff and turn them into achievable goals
Learn how to be supportive in helping your staff achieve their dreams and goals
Achieve a level of aliveness with your staff that you only imagined and help them live it every day!
Fear – learn how to make it work for staff and not against them
The techniques we use are experiential, behavioral and aimed at helping you see your staff in a way that you never have before. Working one-on-one with a coach staff will have the support to stop going down those paths that end in frustration, disappointment and unfulfillment. Coaching will assist staff in finding a better way, creating new directions and developing the skills to have what they really want in their life.
It was once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Take Action Now! Stop The Insanity!
Empower your staff to make THE difference in their life and to perform like Olympians.
Individual and Team Performance goals with one-on-one assistance

Review 360 assessments
One half-day and five 2-hour sessions in person or via teleconference
Action assignments and customized development plan
De-brief with individual and manager